Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Media/News Immersion

      I've been watching a little bit of the news at night. What I have been noticing is that there have been people surprised in their own houses, people missing and robberies. As I have been watching the news it got me thinking of how much goes on in life and how many families and friends are affected by things that happen. Speaking on a note in the past i still remember there was this family and how someone broke into their apartment and slept in a girl's bed and when that girl woke up her brother came in from hearing all the screaming and the intruder escaped. But he left his shirt there outside the window. Now there is a rap called The Bed Intruder song and it's actually really catchy.
        Also, I have been noticing that there have been many missing people and most of the time it's during the day, during like school time and not the early morning or late at night alothough somethimes there are situations like that.
       Going back to what i said how families and friends are affected by things that happen, there are also stiuations where it doesn't only affect them but it could also make their economy life with their money problems. There are also people out there that steal stores and steal valuables in houses. Most of the time the things that are being stolen have destroyed other peoples lives.
       This is a little kid that is getting robbed and at a point where a knife had to come out.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Entry #8 Mother to Son

      The poem that i read was called Mother to Son by Langston Hughes. When i read the poem i realized how much the mother has gone through and what she has done to keep her son alive. It was pretty clear how the mother's life was. She says "Life for me ain't been no crystal stair. It's had tacks in it, And splinters And boards torn up And places with no carpet on the floor Bare." By thhis amount of writing it shows how her life has been and how there were always problems.
       By the word splinters and tacks i was thinking how she probably could've been hurt and abused or maybe emotionally hurt. Also with the words boards torn up probably meant that her house living probably has never been the best. She probably had to live in a tiny house with one room and how maybe even that one room wasn't even pleasant. With the words Life for me ain't been no crystal chair it made me think that her life must've been really tough. She describes what she has gone through and her life really sad.
      When I read the title of the book i thought that this poem was gonna be a mother finding her son or a mother talking about her getting a divorce or something else, but i never expected her to speak about her own life. She also talks about how he shouldn't give up on anything and to never back down to something that he wants to to do or he believes in. In a way i think that the Mother is saying to the Son don't screw up like me and don't go through a life like me because my life hasn't been a walk in the park. And I've been through so much just to get you a better life.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Appreciation for Stuart Little

      What I love about Stuart Little by E.B. White is how even thought the character Stuart is really small, he overcomes obstacles and is not limited by his size.
       Stuart makes use of his small size. He doesn't let his size interfere with anything that he wants to do. Sometimes he takes his size to his advantage. For example, in the beginning of the book, Mrs. Little (his mother) dropped her wedding ring down the drain in the kitchen. She tried to get it on her own but she couldn't do it because it was too dark to see anything and she's too big to put her hands in. So Stuart offered to help and went down the drain and got the ring!
        Stuart also helps others and does difficult things. He helps family and  friends. He even helps strangers, like seriously, people he doesn't even know. Whenever he sees someone upset or all alone he goes up to that person and asks if he/she is ok. For example, when he was driving in his car he saw this guy that was a principal sitting on the side of the street looking at the floor. Stuart went up to him and asked him if he was ok and he said how he needs a substitue teacher and Stuart offered to help and be the substitue. That was kind of a challenge for him since the desk was so gigantic to him. But he still managed to go through with it until the end and accomplished being the substitute.
          There are many other animals that also kind of go through the same thing like Stuart with their size and what they do and what they have to go through. A book that I read before is called Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. When i read that book I noticed that there was some sort of connection. Both books both kind of have the same concept, both books have talking animals and are both trying to save someone. In the book Charlotte's Web there is this small spider named Charlotte that has to go through obstacles to help out a friend that's a pig that's named Wilbur. That is exactly what Stuart has to do for the bird named Margalo. Charlotte has to go out of her way and go around town to help save Wilbur. That is exactly what what Stuart is doing but only he needs to find her while Charlotte needs to save Wilbur. But they both still are tiny and go out of their way and go around town or city to help their friend.
       These books should not only be for kids. They could also be for grown-ups. Alot of things happen in these books. It's not just for little kids just to ammuse them but there is also some point in the books. Some of the points that i think the books make are how strong a friendship can be and see how far a friend will go for you. Another reason is how you can see how your life can relate to the books, there are some mean animals in the books and there are also mean people in real life. Life isn't always how you expect it. So meet people and treat them nice because you never know who you might lose or meet.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Entry #7 Using Research to Expand my Understanding of Stuart Little

   The creator of Stuart Little is E.B. White. He was born in on July 11, 1899. He was also born in Mount Vernon, NY. He was the youngest child of a larrge family. His parents loved kids so that's where he probably got his passion for writing children's books. He graduated from  Cronell University in 1921 and worked as a reporter at various publications including the New Yorker where he fell in love with his editor, Katherine Sergeant Angell, who he later married.
    A couple of years ago when i read this book i knew what it was about but i never actually looked deep into the true meaning of the book. Before i read the book i saw the movie and i liked it. When i read the book the second time i realized something, in the book they combine both Stuart Little 1 the move and Stuart Little 2 the movie. Everything that the book was mentioning in the beginning up until the Margalo section was what happeneed in the 1st movie. From the point on to where Stuart meets Margalo that all happened in the 2nd movie.

                                        This is Stuart the mouse and the car he drives!

                                      This is Margalo the bird Stuart meets!   

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Entry #6 Expanding on an interesting note

No matter what size you are you can always do anything you put your mind to.                                             

   Stuart Little is a little mouse barley 2 inches high. He is a mouse that is caring and is always offering to help. Whenever someone that he cares about needs help he always is around and helps or has fun with that person. He doesn't really care who or what you are, and also he doesn't care what size you are either.
    For example, when his mother Mrs. Little lost her ring and it went down the sink drain in the kitchen Mr. and Mrs. Little tried to get it on their own but they couldn't see anything because of how dark it was. So Stuart offered to go down the drain and get the ring. His mother didn't approve of the idea but his father did approve of the idea. Mrs. Little was extremley worried. So Stuart was tied to a piece of string that Mr. Little was holding him to and he went down the drain. A couple of minutes later Stuart came up and gave Mrs. Little her ring.
    Stuart Little is a one of a kind mouse. Another thing that happened is when Stuart went to the park there was this guy who had  boat that he was gonna steer. He was kind of getting harassed by a man beause when he was on the boat ready to steer it there wasa man that was saying to Stuart how he's so tiny and how you gonna lose and good luck because your gonna lose. When i read that i thought to myself how can someone say that to another person. I mean like i know Stuart is really small and when i say small i mean SMALL, but he's done so much for people and has been brave. I'm pretty sure that all of the other people that were human sized would probably be scared to do any of the things that Sturat has done.
     The book Stuart Little is an interesting book. It is also kind of like a book based on life. There are some small people out there that help more then other people and are probably even nicer. So next time if u see someone smaller then you don't judge them, just treat them the same.