Wednesday, November 17, 2010


        The link above me pretty much rounds up how teens especially are being treated. I mean these stories aren't really proving anything. I think that in order for you to agree with us "kids" as most people would call us you would have to actually be in the same position as us. Like we really don't get any respect am we're really tired of it. All of the teens, i can tell look pretty fed up. Teens now at theses days wanna be treated with repsect and treated like adults. Not all teens act like their two years old. Hello? We're people too. Also maybe it's not always the way the kids act are their fault.
        Maybe sometimes teens act like that because since grown-ups treat them with little respect and think that teens are nothing but trouble the kids just act the way the grown-ups think that they really act when the teens are actually more mature then what grown-ups take them for. I sometimes do that too because sometimes in school or at home either the teachers or parents talk to us like were in pre-school i do the complete opposite just to get them annoyed and sometimes its really funny because then the grown-ups get what they always think what we do. But they know that we don't always act like that.

Photo illustration of father and son confrontation

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Read and Response to songs/or poems on social problem

        When i listened to this song i thought it was good for this i thought it was perfect for this kind of response because not only is it something that everyone can understand and can like, it's also a song that is kind of catchy. I heard this song before and even though i reall don't like most of the people that sing that they sing for a good cause. And trust me i don't like most of them. But all of there voices and the way they sing this song is really good. The lyrics aren't that bad. They show that we should all give and pass it on. Also we should make a change and be hand in hand with eachother and help eachother. 
         Also when they say a word is just a word until you mean what you say is really powerful. Thats like one of the best lines in the whole song because everyone can relate and agree on that. We may all say things one minute but yet not mean it until we actually do something about it. When you also talk about the world i don't think that you should not mean something. You and i all live in the world. But that's really just one thing that you really should mean.
         As i was re-reading what i wrote and re-read the lyrics and listened to the song again i realized that this song doesn't really have to be just about saving the world or any of the enviormental. It can also be about anything that you would want it to be. It can be about something that is special to you or something that your pasionate about, or maybe even something that doesn't have anything to do with you but you just have a heart about it and you want it to get better or maybe feel better.                                                                                             

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Observed surroundings (school,home,neighborhood,media)

           I have realized around mostly everywhere that kids haven't been treated the same respect as adults get. Whenever i go to to lunch i always notice that the person behind the counter always takes the gwown-ups order first. They think that grown-ups were there real customers but we always ended up being the ones comming in everyday and spending our money which was probably more than double the amount of money but then again i forgot us kids are nothing. We mean and seem like nothing to the other grown-ups.
         I have also realized that even the little things. Like when kids are crossing the street and grown-ups just stare at you, especially when kids cross with a red light. Like seriously? Grown-ups do the same exact thing. There not special. Do they honestly think that there any better then kids? Pshh notat all. They were a kid as well. Us kids are the future of today! Haha so true though. But it's really  no difference. Kids deserve the same amount of respect that the grown-ups get as well.